H.O.M.E.L.E.S.S. – Historians of Media, Educating, Learning, and Even Socializing Sometimes

Overthinking Pop Culture since 2018.

H.O.M.E.L.E.S.S. is a colloquium that gives graduate students at Rice the opportunity to give short original talks that turn their critical skills loose on the bewildering world of popular culture circa 2018. Gathering in the same classrooms where they spend the most of the rest of their waking lives, these rising scholars have the opportunity to both further refine their presentation skills and share their love of subjects that speak to the interests of other graduate students regardless of their discipline.

In a lighthearted, informal setting, which includes free pizza, they are able to spend quality time with other people who also love scrutinizing popular culture’s deeper meanings. Past gatherings have featured a study of Star Trek’s doctors as practitioners of frontier medicine, an exploration of gender in the X-Men universe, and a meditation on the emergence of political themes in the music of the Kinks, among many other fascinating topics.


When: September 7th, October 12th, and November 9th

Where: Humanities 227

Audience: All graduate students

Total Amount Requested: $375


Read the full proposal here!