What is GradStarter?

GradStarter is a dynamic platform designed to help graduate students develop and launch innovative ideas that enhance the graduate student and postdoctoral intellectual community at Rice.

Rice community members are invited to submit proposals for projects that promote graduate and postdoctoral scholarship, training, and development. Each proposal will be featured on our website with an image, caption, and a link to the full proposal. The Rice community will be invited to view the proposals, provide feedback, and indicate which proposals they are interested in and want to see developed.

Benefits of GradStarter: 

  • Brainstorm ideas with the Rice Community
  • Pre-market your idea
  • Gauge interest in your idea
  • Obtain valuable feedback
  • Recruit sponsors and volunteers
  • Apply for funding from GPS and other Rice entities
  • Discover events happening on campus

Funding for GradStarter Projects:

The Office of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (GPS) has secured $20,000 to use to support GradStarter projects. GPS will focus on funding projects that:

  • are pilot projects
  • improve graduate and postdoctoral scholarship and promote intellectual community
  • enhance the stature of Rice graduate students and postdocs
  • garner strong community support

Additionally, other Rice entities will be invited to review and fund submitted projects that align with their missions.

GPS funding decisions for GradStarter projects will be announced twice a year, early in the Fall and Spring semesters.

Spring 2018 Funding:  Proposals must be submitted by November 15th, 2017. 

Fall 2018 Funding:  Proposals must be submitted by June 15th, 2018..

The Rice Community is encouraged to share and discuss ideas as well as submit proposals year round.

gradstarter award_what is page

Funding Allocation Guidelines

Please, refer to the following guidelines when developing and assessing your GradStarter project and budget.

The goal of GradStarter is to support projects that will have the greatest impact on the academic achievement of Rice graduate students and postdocs. Therefore, funds from the GradStarter award should not be used for the following:

  • Individual research projects required for your degree
  • Equipment or software for personal use
  • Travel
  • Student compensation or salaries
  • Gift cards
  • Contributions to campaign funds or partisan political endorsements
  • Donations to other organizations

Additionally, GradStarter awards are not intended to be a source of ongoing support. If you have a regularly occurring project that will continue outside the awarded year, please provide a plan for long term support and sustainability.