Speed Networking: Graduate Student & Alumni Networking Mixer
Connect with alumni: ask for advice, learn about industry opportunities, build relationships
Masters, PhDs, and post-docs are all encouraged to attend!
More and more masters students, PhD students, and post-docs are looking to break away from the academic setting and integrate into industry. Yet, our network and connections are primarily in academia and can have limited ability to help us make this transition. Rice alums want to help and support us, but thus far we do not have an established event with which to foster relationships between our groups. This spring networking mixer will provide an opportunity for a large group of alumni to come to campus to give their advice to current students and post-docs. By getting involvement from many departmental GSAs and professional organizations, we can reach more alumni from a diverse range of fields. This will be advantageous for our grad student and post-doc population to explore opportunities they may have never considered. We are also actively growing our network of alumni who are interested in connecting with graduate students. This event will provide another opportunity to foster these relationships on a graduate student organizational level, and we hope it will encourage more alumni to return for graduate-student wide networking events planned for the future.
Read the full proposal here.
Ethnographic Salon
A night of ethnographic presentations and networking with a twist!
Inspired by the popular practice of Pecha Kucha, the Ethnography Studio will host an evening of ethnographic presentations consisting of 20 images, and limited to 20 seconds per image. All graduate students and post-docs who engage in ethnographic research (such as the Social Sciences and Humanities) are encouraged to apply for a presentation slot. By bringing together multi-disciplinary scholars under the umbrella of ethnographic research, we aim to forge connections between disciplines and compare ethnographic methodology across disciplinary traditions. Additionally, the strictures of the presentation techniques will encourage presenters to think critically about the most important points of their research, as well as how they can be conveyed visually, preparing them for future strictly formatted presentations such as conferences and job talks.
Read the full proposal here.
The Humanities and Social Sciences Speaker Series
What’s your contribution?
Graduate Students in the Humanities and Social Sciences consistently work to produce scholarship that contributes to their respective disciplines, subjects of study, and the world around them. In hosting the Humanities and Social Sciences Speaker Series, the Humanities and Social Sciences Graduate Student Associations aim to provide a space for graduate students to foster relationships among scholars with similar interests and communicate their research to a broader audience. By asking graduate student participants to answer the question, “What’s your contribution?” in the form of a seven-minute, highly visual, presentation, participants will be able to contemplate and discuss the significance of their research, improve their public speaking skills, and network with other researchers whose work they would not normally be exposed to. By including students from across the Humanities and Social Sciences, the event will provide an important opportunity for graduate students to share their research with their fellow graduate students and faculty in a way that could foster communication and collaboration across disciplines.
Read the full proposal here.
Grad Student STEM Share
Pairs of graduate students will create presentations to share their research and educational experiences with high school science classes in Houston ISD.
The Grad Student STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Math) Share project will involve 8 to 10 pairs of graduate students and postdocs from natural sciences and engineering. Participants will be paired and create presentations of their current research and education background. These presentations will be practiced for the group during weekly seminars. After receiving feedback, the pairs will go to Houston ISD high school science classrooms to share with students. Participants will gain presentation skills, network with students from other disciplines via weekly seminars, practice leadership and teaching by leading classroom discussions related to their science and educational experiences, and provide outreach to local students.
Register to participate in Grad STEM Share today!